Journey from Cancer to Parenthood

escanaba, mi (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Journey from Cancer to Parenthood

by Megan DeGrave

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $12,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $610.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$610.00 raised of $12,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
escanaba, mi (US)

Megan DeGrave is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My husband and I have been together for 14 years, married for 5. We found out in 2019, after casually trying to get pregnant, that something was wrong. I saw an OB and they found precancer (atypical endometrial hyperplasia) and that I was severely anemic. I went on fertility sparring treatment, using an IUD, for just under a year and we officially started to try again after 3 clean biopsies. For 18 months we tried. In that time I found out I had PCOS, lost 170 lbs and my husband was diagnosed with MFI due to an injury as a child. We saw a fertility specialist and a urologist. They told us that we could continue to try naturally but that we may need assistance. Then last July we got thrown another curveball– I was diagnosed with grade 1 endometrial cancer. I had an MRI, another D&C and I went back on fertility sparring treatment. I also got genetic testing done to make sure I didn’t have Lynch Syndrome (I tested negative) because the cancer came on so quickly. In hindsight, we should have been cautious because women with PCOS have an extremely high chance of developing endometrial cancer, I was one of the unlucky ones. Finally after my second biopsy checkup, at the 6 month mark, we got the best news ever— my cancer is gone for now. Now our only option to have a biological child is IVF, my oncologist doesn’t want me going off treatment to try naturally again, as I have a higher chance of the cancer coming back (due to already having it). My oncologist gave us a year to try and after that I will have to have a hysterectomy. With how quickly my cancer came after the precancer was eliminated, he wants to be careful with how long I spend on treatment. I was lucky… we found it early. IVF is our next step in this journey. Hopfully we are one of the lucky ones!

So we are doing a puzzle fundraiser in hopes that we can raise enough to offset the tremendous cost of IVF.

EACH PIECE is $10.

For every piece you donate, your name will go on it. If you donate 10 pieces or more we will put a small message of your choosing, along with your name on those pieces. Once the puzzles are completed, we will hang them in a frame so we can read the names of everyone who supported us.

The money we raise will go solely towards insurance deductibles (for the things our insurance does cover-neither of us have fertility coverage), treatment costs, medications and travel to and from appointments.

In advance, we want to THANK everyone who has supported us in the past and in the future. We appreciate you more than you know!

Name Donation Date
Christine Hulla $20.00 March 08, 2022
Beth Ammel $50.00 March 08, 2022
Pat and Kim Pepin $100.00 February 26, 2022
Robert Kirkpatrick $100.00 February 22, 2022
Kyle & Yonseili DeGrave $100.00 February 22, 2022
Lindsey Pepin $100.00 February 21, 2022
Tina Mays $20.00 February 21, 2022
Kim Schlenvogt $20.00 February 21, 2022
Jonathan, Chelse and Cale Pepin $100.00 February 21, 2022
Beth Ammel commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
From Wagz, Beth, and the kids hope all is well
Robert Kirkpatrick commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Don’t give up hope. Love you guys
Lindsey Pepin commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
We love you guys!!! Dave, Lindsey & boys
Tina Mays commented with a $20 donation about 3 years ago
Best wishes, hopefully you’ll get a six pack!
Kim Schlenvogt commented with a $20 donation about 3 years ago